About Me

Hi there! Thanks for reading.
I'm John- and this is my website. Everything you see here is my own work- right down to the code on this website. I've handwritten it all since I'm still new to it, and I've made a bit of a mess since I lack stylesheets or javascriptm but it's certainly a worthwhile experiment.
This website itself is made in my Web Design class, a large project that I decided to create for myself to show off a more professional interface for my work. It's the largest project I've taken on so far, and I'm fairly happy with how it turned out.

But enough about the website, you're here for me, right?

There's not too much to say about myself honestly. I'm John, I'm 17, and I like to make art and Dank Memes.
I have a focus on Illustration and hope that I can major in it to become either a comic artist or character designer in the future. As of right now I'm a senior at Newburyport High School and I'm looking into going to MECA, MassArt, and RISD for college. I've been accepted to all three, and am a bit stuck on which one to choose honestly!
I've already had experience at all three. In the summer of 2016 I did RISD's Pre- College program and Majored in Comic Design under the instruction of Ty Varsegi, who really pushed me and was by far one of the best teachers I've ever had. The experience really confirmed for me that an Art College would be the right place for me, that it would challenge me and push me, but that I could handle it and take on the challenges it presented.

I'm very intrigued by heavily stylized and graphic pieces, and I draw a lot of inspiration from there, but I try to branch out and explore what I can do with my abilities so I've been working towards better rendering skills for ages now.

I enjoy trying out new mediums, even if I don't use the techniques or pieces for my more professional works.
I've tried my hand at blacksmithing, jewelry-smithing with both silver and copper, stained glass, silkscreening, both wheel throwing and hand building ceramics, and work in textiles and special effects makeup utilizing prosthetics.
While my individual style translates very differently from 2D to 3D, many of my themes and motifs of my work are consistent, which I'm fairly proud of.
Most notably I focus on portraits and characters in my pieces, but themes of space, bees, and female figures are consistent in my works.

I love doing art and making people smile, taht's really all I've got to say at the end of this. If you want to know more about me please send me a message through my contact page, I'm always happy to hear from people and I'm usually avaliable to do work on commission if that interests you.

Hope you enjoy my work- stay peachy kids.